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Manual adjustments
Ctrl , preferences
Action | Shortcut |
Property box | F9 |
Apply to all selected elements | hold Alt |
Frame selected | . (numpad) |
Frame camera | 0 (numpad) |
Set selected item as active viewpoint | Ctrl 0 |
Set active camera to view | Ctrl Alt 0 |
Transfrom all selected objects | Alt (hold) |
Join objects | Ctrl j |
Move to collection | M |
Link to collection | Shift M |
Radial view selection menu | ` |
Scale around z axis | Alt s |
Cursor/view to center | Shift c |
Place curcor | Shift right mouseclick |
Drag viewport/window | Shift middle mouse |
Zoom viewport/window | Ctrl middle mouse |
Hide selected | h |
Isolate selected | Shift h |
Unhide all | Alt h |
Quick favorites | q |
Snap to orthographic views | hold Alt while rotating |
Toggle quad view (orthographic and perspective) | Ctrl Alt q |
Batch rename | Ctrl f2 |
Action | Shortcut |
Render frame | F12 |
Render sequence | Ctrl F12 |
Render region | Ctrl b |
Delete render region | Ctrl Alt b |
Action | Shortcut |
Extrude point, edge or poly | e |
Select edge/poly loop | Alt click (the loop will follow the direction relative to where you clicked) |
Rotate allong edges | Ctrl Shift Alt s |
Even mode when doing loop cut | e |
Subdivide (combine with Auto Smooth for best experience) | Ctrl 1,2,3,… or Ctrl 0 to reset to original mesh |
Snap to points with ruler | Hold Ctrl |
Scale along normals | Alt s |
Measure thickness with ruler | Hold Shift |
Mesure angle with ruler | Click in the middle |
Delete a ruler | x |
Inset | i |
Toggle constraint to outer edge while insetting | i + b |
Action | Shortcut |
Perspective/orthographic | numpad 5 |
Rescale brush | f |
Intensity brush | Shift f |
Invert brush | hold Ctrl |
Smooth | Shift |
Stroke method | e |
Dyntopo | Ctrl d |
Invert Masked | Alt i |
Undo mask | Alt m |
Hide masked | Ctrl h |
Unhide all | h |
Lasso mask | Ctrl Shift lmb |
box mask | b |
Action | Shortcut |
Set pivot point | . |
Action | Shortcut |
Set keyframe | i |
Action | Shortcut |
Select UV island | i |
Action | Shortcut |
Preview shader | Ctrl Shift click |
Principled texture setup | Ctrl Shift t |
Cut node wires | Ctrl right-click drag |
Action | Shortcut |
Create new tracker | Ctrl click |
Show search box | Alt s |
Track manually | Alt arrows |
Lock view to tracker | l |
Start auto tracker | Ctrl t |
Lock tracker | Ctrl l |
Add-on Specific
Install Hardops first, then Boxcutter. This way Boxcutter is the first mode you access when pressing Alt w
Action | Shortcut |
Hardops/Boxcutter |
Toggle between Hardops & Boxcutter | Alt w |
Viewport settings | Alt v |
Align boxcutter | Shift v |
Hardops menu | q |
Radial hardops menu | Shift q |
Box cutter menu/hopstools | d |
HOps helper | Ctrl ` |
Hold shift when releasing cutter | Displays and selects your cutter |
Mirror | Alt x |
Allign edges | Alt a |
MaterialIQ |
Toggle asset library | press e over any area |
Python scripts
Assign shaders to selected meshes with the same name as the shader
import bpy
# Get selected objects
selected_objects = bpy.context.selected_objects
# Loop through selected objects
for obj in selected_objects:
if obj.type == 'MESH':
# Check if there's a material with the same name as the object
matching_material = bpy.data.materials.get(obj.name)
if matching_material:
# Clear existing materials on the object
# Assign the matching material to the object
print(f"Assigned material '{matching_material.name}' to object '{obj.name}'")
print(f"No matching material found for object '{obj.name}'")
print("Material assignment complete for selected objects.")
Quickly Import KitBash3D Models into the Blender Asset Browser
# Open your KB3D Pack. Make sure the textures are loaded and everything works as intended. This script assumes the Scene is named KB3D_"TitleCasePackName"-Native. It should be that by default.
# Create a new folder in your Asset Library Folder for Blender. (Edit>Preferences>FilePaths>AssetLibraries). I recommend a setup like this
# (D:/BlenderAssetLibraries/KB3D/CyberDistricts/Cyberdistricts.blend)
# Where "CyberDistricts" would be the AssetLibrary.
# Open the script in Blender by going to the Text Editor and clicking "Open" to locate the file, or paste it from the Gist.
# Run the script by clicking the "Run Script" button in the Text Editor or pressing Alt+P.
# The script will create new collections for each type of asset in your scene and move the assets into these collections. It will also generate a unique ID for the asset pack and each asset in the pack.
# The script will then update the asset catalog file to include the new asset pack and each asset in the pack.
# Once the script is finished, you can save your Blender file and close it.
# You should now see it in the asset libraries section on Blender.
# Troubleshooting: If something goes wrong or a mistake is maid I have minimal errorchecking. Just undo before the script was run and delete the Catalogs or the "blender_assets.cats.txt" file,
# they may trip up the script if it failed partway through.
# I put a lot of effort into making this, so if you'd like to show your appreciation-
# you can donate to me through PayPal at the link below: https://paypal.me/mintyfresh
# Update: Remade better.
# TODO: Add simple GUI, test all packs, ensure consistent sizing and proper integration for easy placing of props.
import bpy
import os
from pathlib import Path
import uuid
file_name = str(bpy.data.scenes.keys()[0].split('_')[1].split('-')[0])
folder = Path(bpy.data.filepath).parent
new_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
# Mapping for collections to asset types
collection_map = {
"Props": "Prop",
"Buildings": "Bldg",
"Structures": "Strc",
"Vehicles": "Vehi",
"Creatures": "Crea"
kit_catalog = {}
flipped_cmap = {v: k for k, v in collection_map.items()}
# Create the primary collections
primary_collections = ["Props", "Buildings", "Structures", "Vehicles", "Creatures", "Other"]
for collection_name in primary_collections:
new_collection = bpy.data.collections.new(collection_name)
# Loop through all the empties and sort them into the collections for the library
for obj in bpy.data.objects:
if obj.type == "EMPTY" and obj.name.startswith("KB3D_"):
# Sort the new collection into the correct group
asset_type = obj.name.split("_")[2][:4]
# Check if the asset_type exists in the flipped_cmap dictionary
if asset_type in flipped_cmap:
cm_col_name = flipped_cmap[asset_type]
cm_col_name = "Other"
# Create a new collection with Empty's name
new_collection = bpy.data.collections.new(obj.name)
# Linking Object groups
cm_col = bpy.data.collections[cm_col_name]
# Move the object's children to the new collection
kit_catalog[obj.name] = cm_col.name
# Loop over Object and relink to parents.
for obj in bpy.data.objects:
if obj.type == "MESH" and obj.parent != None:
for empty in bpy.data.objects:
if empty.type == 'EMPTY' and empty.name.startswith('KB3D_'):
for child in empty.children:
for col in bpy.data.collections:
if col.name.startswith('KB3D_'):
# Create a list of all empty objects
empty_objects = [obj for obj in bpy.data.objects if obj.type == "EMPTY" and obj.name.startswith("KB3D_")]
# Loop through the list of empty objects and clear their locations
for obj in empty_objects:
obj.location = (0, 0, 0)
asset_catalog_path = folder / "blender_assets.cats.txt"
# Initialize the list of lines and the asset_uuids dictionary
lines = []
asset_uuids = {}
# Read the existing asset catalog file into a list of lines
with asset_catalog_path.open('a+') as f:
f.seek(0) # Move the file pointer to the beginning of the file
lines = f.readlines()
# Check if the blender_assets.cats.txt file is empty and initialize it if necessary
if os.path.getsize(asset_catalog_path) == 0:
header_lines = [
"# This is an Asset Catalog Definition file for Blender.\n",
"# Empty lines and lines starting with `#` will be ignored.\n",
"# The first non-ignored line should be the version indicator.\n",
"# Other lines are of the format \"UUID:catalog/path/for/assets:simple catalog name\"\n",
"VERSION 1\n\n"
# Add new lines to the catalog if necessary
file_contents = ''.join(lines)
# Initialize the asset_uuids dictionary outside the condition
collection_uuids = {collection_name: [] for collection_name in collection_map.keys()}
collection_uuids["Other"] = []
if file_name not in file_contents:
if "KB3D" not in file_contents:
for collection_name in collection_map.keys():
asset_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
asset_uuids[collection_name] = asset_uuid
asset_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
asset_uuids["Other"] = asset_uuid
# Write the updated list of lines back to the file
with asset_catalog_path.open("w") as f:
kit_catalog = {}
# Asset Library Adder
for col in bpy.data.collections:
if col.name.startswith("KB3D_"):
# Gets the asset type of an object from the Name
# Ex: Bldg Prop Strc
asset_type = col.name.split("_")[2][:4] # e.g. "Bldg"
# Check if the asset_type exists in the flipped_cmap dictionary
if asset_type in flipped_cmap:
asset_name = flipped_cmap[asset_type] # e.g. "Buildings"
col.asset_data.catalog_id = asset_uuids[asset_name]
asset_name = "Other"
col.asset_data.catalog_id = asset_uuids[asset_name] # Set the catalog_id for the "Other" category
print(col.name, asset_name)
# Linking Object groups
cm_col = bpy.data.collections[col.name] # Buildings [Collection]
print('adding', col.name, 'asset_data')
Demo Scenes
Grease Pencil